
Tips to Safely Board Your Chihuahua during the Holidays

Tips to Safely Board Your Chihuahua during the Holidays Click to View The holidays often require families to travel out of town. Flying or driving for hours with your Chihuahua often doesn’t make sense. Flying is expensive and dangerous for many animals. And driving with a Chihuahua is stressful for them and you. Additionally, it can be challenging to find a place to stay where your Chihuahua is welcomed. The solution for many families is to board their Chihuahuas during the holidays. Yet boarding your Chihuahua is akin to finding a nanny for your children. It’s important to find someone who will care for your Chihuahua and love them almost as much as you do. Let’s take a look at some tips to help you find the best situation for your beloved Chihuahua. #1 Visit Any Kennel by Yourself First Finding the right boarding situation requires ample planning time. Ideally, you’ll be able to visit a few in your area and talk with the owners. Ask to see where the Chihuahuas play and wh...

Tips for Housebreaking Your Chihuahua during Cold Weather

Tips for Housebreaking Your Chihuahua during Cold Weather Housebreaking a dog is challenging any time of the year. And the cold weather adds an extra challenge. However, with a little information, advanced preparation and the right mindset you can housebreak your Chihuahua any time of the year – even the coldest days of winter. Tip #1 Prepare the Location One of the problems dogs have during the winter time is that they cannot smell as well. They cannot smell the dirt, other animals, and their waste. The cold air diminishes the scent. This makes it difficult for them to find the right spot. A trained dog will spend minutes looking for a spot in the snow only to get too cold and have to go inside before they’ve done their business. The trick is to prepare a place in your yard for them to go. Shovel a patch of lawn clean so that your dog can find a nice patch of grass to go on. Additionally, having an established area in your yard will help reduce your clean-up process. Tip #...

Moving with Chihuahuas

Moving with Chihuahuas When you decide to move, you don’t have to leave your Chihuahuas behind. But, if they have never had to leave home before it could be an ordeal for them. Here are some tips to help you get your pet ready for moving day. Chihuahuas can be stressed over moving just like people. How can you tell? Your pet may refuse to eat or be more nippy than usual to you and others. Recognize these signs and try to keep your pet calm. Take breaks and play with them. Leave their belongings until last in your packing so they can have something familiar around them. Here are some more tips to help you go from point A to point B. * Change identification – You will have a new address and your pet’s collar (if applicable) needs to reflect that. If they get away at a rest stop or run loose as you haul boxes in at your new place, you want those who find him to be able to find you. Include your cell phone number. * Buy a pet carrier – It is not safe for a pet to run free in...